PEACHD Pilot Studies

Work Package 5 of PEACHD, coordinated by the Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research (FRCB-IDIBAPS), will pilot the tailored implementation strategies and intervention tools (face-to-face protocols and digital health tool) and materials in the 3 settings, assessing and studying the feasibility of rolling out this approach to reaching the target populations, and the satisfaction of different professionals involved.

Read about the three pilot study sites below, with links to any own language materials.


The Polish pilot study, led by Warsaw Medical University, will train and work with community professionals (social workers, health practitioners and psychologists) to deliver the PEACHD programme to displaced Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

Czech Republic

The Czech pilot study, led by Charles University Hospital, will deliver the pEACHD intervention to Ukrainian diaspora in Prague through specifically designed “UA points” to welcome Ukraininan displaced people to the Czech health system.

Catalonia (Spain)

In the Catalan pilot study, led by the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (Gencat), the PEACHD intervention will be delivered to the general population in disadvantaged areas, via a digital tool linked to the regional programme Sumasalut, in the primary health care system.

PEACHD Project Evaluation

Work Package 6 of PEACHD, led by Charles University, Medical Department (CUNI), will monitor and evaluate the progress towards towards the stated objectives, milestones and deliverables, and the quality of project outputs, in 4 domains:

    • Process evaluation
    • Evaluation of the participatory process in co-creation phase
    • Evaluation of the pilot feasibility studies
    • Evaluation of the sustainable impact of PEACHD (impact evaluation with the use of the RE-AIM methodology)