Tailoring Implementation Strategies

PEACHD will adapt and operationalise the WHO-EU BRIEF approach to different European contexts and populations to tackle health inequalities.

PEACHED will use:

The intervention protocols and tools in each implementation strategy will be tailored and piloted for feasibility in three countries and settings, with special attention to refugees/migrants, and low-SES populations:

  • Poland
  • Czech Republic
  • Spain (Autonomous Region of Catalonia)

Stakeholder consultation

Work Package 2 of PEACHD, led by the Portuguese Institute for Addictive Behaviors and Addictions (ICAD), manages the consultation of stakeholders on PEACHD through-puts and outputs, including:

  • Stakeholder mapping to identify the most relevant profiles for different stages of PEACHD:
    • Core expert stakeholder to consult on the developing work plan
    • A ‘validating’ or ‘peer review’ group of experts, to give feedback on through-puts and drafts
    • Key end-users of the PEACHD final products
  • Recruiting stakeholders to small working groups for consultation in the 5 key knowledge areas:
    • Environmental context (resources and impact)
    • Gendered aspects (transversal)
    • Displaced populations (refugees, forced migrants)
    • Self-initiated approach (Generational uptake + digital interface)
    • Low socioeconomic status (+ educational level/health literacy)
  • Contributing to the dissemination of findings and products to key EU stakeholders to sustain impact (in collaboration with WP7)

    Evidence reviews and Gap analysis

    Work Package 3 of PEACHD, led by the Catalan Oncology Institute (ICO), is carrying out gap analyses on brief interventions to prevent different modifiable lifestyle risk factors, with the aim of informing the intervention strategies.

    • The first step is a multi-focal review to identify barriers and facilitators in the implementation of brief integrated interventions to prevent the six key risk factors; this review is considering five axes of analysis (sex/gender, displaced populations, low socioeconomic level, environment, and self-administered interventions.


    • Secondly, the analyses and findings of the review will undergo a stakeholder working group consultation, in collaboration with WP2, to validate or modify the conclusions and implications drawn.

    Tailored Implementation Strategies

    Work Package 4 of PEACHD, led by the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (Gencat) and supported by the Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research (FRCB), will operationalise the knowledge laid out in the WHO-Europe BRIEF Manual, in accordance with the findings of the stakeholder consultation and the gap and needs analyses. This will include:

      • Developing a framework and guidance on contextual analysis
        • A checklist of context features to account for in the pilots.
      • Defining the common implementation elements of the PEACHD programme:
        • Multi-risk-factor approach
        • Screening tools
        • Intervention protocols
        • Training
      • Designing the data collection tools and management
        • face-to-face and digital
      • Adaptation of the materials and tools to each pilot site setting
        • Linguistic
        • Cultural / stylistic
        • Formatting